Who are you?
What makes you, you? Who is your authentic self?
Within us all
resides this part of self that is self-sustaining. Outside layers ebb and flow,
and this
shows in our personality. Personality isn’t all it’s cut out to be.
One day we’re upset, so we act snobby. Another day we’re hyperactive and vital, so we become jubilant. And yet in
another day comes sorrow, so we're labeled depressed, lazy, or a party-pooper. Personality becomes a flexible mask. It’s the dance to woo that special someone, the presentation
to seem likable or threatening. It’s temporary, a “you” to be outlived by time
and memory. They are all upheld by emotional shifts which are caused by our surrounding
environments. But we aren’t our personalities nor our emotions. We have them, but we aren’t them. I
am not sadness, though I may feel sad. I am not excitement, though I may feel
Personality is
the outer layer of our being, which constantly changes form depending on the
moment. Personality is a tool. You are not a tool. You are a person, a being.
There is a part of you which vibrates like a note, a wonderfulness that sounds
off the essence which is you. That is your authentic self.
We may also carry
unhealthy habits, patterns which keep us from integrity. You and Other argue,
and both are so eager to be seen that no one is doing the looking. We all want
to be seen. We call each other names and put one another down so that we appear
to be on top. We project our flaws into those around us, never seeing them for
who they truly are. We chisel away at our own personalities to be the jewel
within the crowd for all to gaze upon. We never get too far, appealing to the
people for a moment before the Sun sets and no light shines upon us. But
neither are we our habits. Habits can die out, and new ones birthed in their
place. The core of our being, who we really are, is eternal.
I teach this
to any and all who are willing to listen: the ego is not bad. The ego is your
human identity, personality its voice. It’s what you show of yourself to the
world. Yes, many people’s egos are distorted. Childhoods may have left us scarred
from frightening events or unhealthy and dangerous living environments like
living in the ghetto. Egos become shields against intimacy or kindness. Personality
may appear rough and threatening in order not to be seen as weak and be taken
advantage of. Or we may have lived in an interactive suburb, yet may have been bullied by our peers, colleagues, or even our
own parents, so we grow up shifting our egos to seem successful or
loved, personalities reflecting this by being stuck-up or narcissistic.
But the ego
still isn’t bad. It’s injured. It needs healing. It wants to be heard, listened
to. We are all on this planet to become more human. So of course the spirit body of
our humanity, our egos, may seem all bent out of shape. Our human selves have
gone through a lot. Inspiring is the person who, through all the trials and
errors of life, still manages to project a kind personality and right-sized
ego. The ego is part of your humanness, and to chuck it away or ignore it as
though it does not exist or serves no purpose is throwing away a part of your
self, your humanity.
Still, they are simply tools to be used to aid you in your quest for discovering who you are. Their work for you serves a greater purpose and a deeper part of self.
Still, they are simply tools to be used to aid you in your quest for discovering who you are. Their work for you serves a greater purpose and a deeper part of self.
Imagine your personality like layers of clothing. For
each occasion, you typically wear a different outfit to reflect the mood of the
setting. It speaks to the gatherers, the friends, the party-goers. It’s
your human self speaking to the world saying, “tonight I will be sexy” or “today I will be proactive” or “in this moment, I will be healthy and fit”. Your ego, through personality may be trying to say, “don't even try messing with me” or “I want someone to pay attention to me” or “I want to make people laugh endlessly”.
your human self speaking to the world saying, “tonight I will be sexy” or “today I will be proactive” or “in this moment, I will be healthy and fit”. Your ego, through personality may be trying to say, “don't even try messing with me” or “I want someone to pay attention to me” or “I want to make people laugh endlessly”.
What if you
took off those layers of clothing for a moment, those layers of personality and ego? What if
you took off the titles “sexy” and “tough” and “proactive” and “easy” and “fit”
and “successful” and “laid back”? What if you were no longer “doctor” or
“teacher” or “mother” or “lover” or “bus driver” or "dog walker” or “political
activist”? What would be left? Who is that naked self clothed in nothing but
its smooth skin of authenticity? Are you now love? Are you beauty? Are you ebb
of nurture, the flow of the spritely? Are you justice, the law of the worlds?
Are you passion, the deep knowing of everything in its dance? Are you words at
all? Are you a note, a melody, a song? Are you an embrace? Are you an offering?
Who are you? Know thyself.
If we knew who
we were, it wouldn’t matter how lost in our journey we became. It wouldn’t
matter whether we know what the right thing to do is, or which way to go. None
of that would matter because we’re no longer working to seem flawless or to please others. Knowing ourselves, being lost would be an adventure towards further discovery. We wouldn't be lost at all! We'd see that right and wrong are mere shadows of what's really important: acting according to our existence. We'd know that everything would be alright; worry and anxiety melt away like cotton candy. We'd know who we truly are. We'd remember.
Spreading out from our authentic selves, we know what we stand for, and our character is shaped. From there, we shape the morals we live by. Through that, we work in the world in our shining egos, reflective of our true selves, our personalities speaking in the language of authenticity in any given situation. And though that voice will speak in different tongues from time to time, each will come from the heart of who you really are.
Spreading out from our authentic selves, we know what we stand for, and our character is shaped. From there, we shape the morals we live by. Through that, we work in the world in our shining egos, reflective of our true selves, our personalities speaking in the language of authenticity in any given situation. And though that voice will speak in different tongues from time to time, each will come from the heart of who you really are.
So I ask you again: who are you?
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