The modern Pagan path is unique in its sense of being Goddess-oriented. We are a people who acknowledge the presence and life of the beings of power in their female forms, along side with their fathers, brothers, male lovers and sons. Many of us acknowledge the feminine divine in what may be called the All, the One, the Great Spirit, the Universe, the Multiverse, the Infinite, the Limitless, God Hirself, etc.
that all of us Pagans came to our present faiths because once upon a blue moon there was a Calling. We have all heard this calling to serve Goddess all in our own ways. I don't mean a Goddess entity, not a Deity (per se). But the Mother of all that lives and
the Goddess of all that is. Having been raised around the secretive Witches in my family and having first started studying the Craft on my own eight years ago, I often like to look back now and reflect upon how I once heard my Calling to serve Goddess, and to serve myself. (See my last blog post about how I came to the Craft!)
For those reading this who aren't Pagan, it is difficult to define or explain what the Calling is.